Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tool # 11

1. Favorite tools are:
* Brainpop for a lesson on digital citizenship.
* Wallshire
*Google Docs and apps.

2. My thinking has changed by getting new ways  I can teach with technology and all the new devices. For accommodations, I will include the technology resources on lesson plans and have the Itouch with apps ready for centers.

3. I know I need to explore apps to download them to my devices. Also, I need to think how to arrange my classroom for the new technology. What's surprise me it's I have learned many new tools and have realized how much more I need to learn.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tool # 10

Digital Citizenship:
1. It is very important for students to know about personal safety-identity, giving out information, etc. They also need to know about going to websites that are not appropriate and what to do when that happen =tell a teacher or parent=. Also, they need to be aware of the dangers of downloading websites, information and viruses.
2. I will use the video on Brainpop and the Cyber Smart Young Kids.
3. I will teach the lesson of Digital Citizenship by: 1) Discussion; 2) Brainpop; and 3) Practicing in the classroom.
4. I will include all of the information that we learn from the Digital Citizenship's lesson on a newsletter to send home.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tool # 9

1. It is important to have activities that tie to objectives we are learning in the classroom, otherwise the activities has no meaning behind it. It is another tool to assess students learning.
2. To hold students accountable for their work it is very important. If we didn't hold them accountable, they will be playing and not getting what they should out of the activity. It is also an opportunity for the students to take control and ownership of their learning.
3. I like the Study Ladder site. I could set up accounts for my class to complete activities based on what we are study. It also has built in accountability. Also, I like BrainPop Featured Movie, students learn about different topics, then students will test with an interactive quiz. I will explore more websites, I saw lots that look very meaningful and engaged for students.
4. There are many great apps for the Itouch devices. I could use the Flash Cardz!-Alfabeto, a Spanish version of the abc's flashcards. It will be very helpful for the beginning reading. I will use it at the ABC's center. I will check the accountability when students apply the letter/sound correspondence when reading. The Math Bingo app also looks fantastic. Students will practice addition and subtraction with different levels, and gets feedback showing when a response it's incorrect. So, they will try again to get the correct answer.
5. Having students take picture of their finished products, or record an explanation about their activity would be a great way to incorporate the I pads.

Tool # 8

1. I have learned that the Ipad needs to be synced to our laptop using my itunes account.
2. The Netbooks seems like they will be more kid friendly than a laptop. It seems like they are lighter weight and easier to move around the classroom. I really liked the video on how children can take pictures/videos using the Netbooks. The convenience of having them save in a folder or the desktop makes it really easy to manage.
3. For management, the kids and I will come up with rules and procedures. A lot of modeling on how to take a good care and use of our devices will be necessary. I will spot those "tech" students to help monitor the use of ipads and netbooks, and support their classmate.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tool # 7

For the online digital project I will create an objective for the Social Studies unit of "Friends Near and Far".
-Objective: TSW investigate the language and currency of Japan by research on books and on the web using the website One Word Classroom.
-Tools; TSW use One word classroom website, edmodo, kidstube and animoto.
-I plan to implemented on the 3rd nine weeks.
On this unit students will learn culture, language, currency, geographic location and traditions on different countries, such as Mexico, Japan, Germany, and Australia. So, we will be researching to learn about those countries.

Tool # 6


I used Wallwisher to create a Learning wall. I will use Wallwisher in my classroom, I think it's going to be easy  and accessible for students ti use. Also, I will use edmodo, first with my team to share ideas or information regarding our grade level, and eventually  I will create an account to my students.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tool # 5

I create an animoto video and a prezi. I like this tools, are very friendly to use.  It's the first time I use prezi, I like it also because you can add a youtub video too; so I know the students will be motivated and engaged when they see a concept presented with prezi.
I just added a video about the summer school project. The students decided to investigate Insects, and they have fun searching and creating some craft about insects as well as learn a lot.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tool # 4

I just created a form for my team to do the textbook inventory, and a form for science (Day and Night). This is a great tool. I like it! Google Doc will help to share information and/or documents among our team or staff. Also, help us to add or delete questions that may/may not be appropriate.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tool # 3

I have used before the resources of Discovery Education, Brainpop, and Youtub not much; but teacher tub and kidtub are new to me. All are great resources to engage students in their learning process.

l edit html

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tool #2

Well, I spent almost 2 hours watching some blogs for my tool #2. I had some issues when I want to make a comment about a blog I like. I believe I need to spent more time to be familiar with all this.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I would use a blog in my class to post websites for my students to work.